Alumni Society Board

- To help elevate the stature of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications through objective review of its programs, and by dialogue with the faculty, students, the Dean and associate deans.
- To support the Bellisario College through fundraising and development efforts to the extent possible.
- To assist the Dean, faculty and staff in providing all media with the resources to prepare students for obtaining internships and employment upon graduation.
- To foster a sense of pride in and a commitment to the Bellisario College while enhancing its reputation and prestige.
- To provide the vehicle by which alumni may be involved in the affairs of the Bellisario College and of the University and to provide fellowship.
- To insure the ongoing recognition of outstanding achievements by faculty, alumni and friends of the Bellisario College.
- To offer guidance and support to student organizations associated with the Bellisario College.
- To reflect and promote the diverse opinions, perspectives and experiences of alumni of the Bellisario College, and to create an open environment for students and alumni to connect on complex issues of a changing – and increasingly diverse – world.
Alumni Board Officers
- President, Ebony Reilly
- President-Elect, Maddy Pryor
- Secretary, Madeliene Maggs