Alumni Society Board

Board Bylaws

Logo/mark for Bellisario College Alumni Society Board

Alumni Society Board • Mission Statement

  1. To help elevate the stature of the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications through objective review of its programs, and by dialogue with the faculty, students, Dean and associate deans.
  2. To support the Bellisario College through fund-raising and development efforts to the extent possible.
  3. To assist the Dean, faculty and staff in providing all media with the resources to prepare students for obtaining internships and employment upon graduation.
  4. To foster a sense of pride in and a commitment to the Bellisario College while enhancing its reputation and prestige;
  5. To provide the vehicle by which alumni may be involved in the affairs of the Bellisario College and of the University and to provide fellowship.
  6. To insure the on-going recognition of outstanding achievements by faculty, alumni and friends of the Bellisario College.
  7. To offer guidance and support to student organizations associated with the Bellisario College.
  8. To reflect and promote the diverse opinions, perspectives, and experiences of alumni of the Bellisario College, and to create an open environment for students and alumni to connect on complex issues of a changing – and increasingly diverse – world.

Alumni Society Board • Constitution & By-laws


The name of this organization shall be the Bellisario College of Communications Alumni Society of The Pennsylvania State University, hereinafter referred to as the Society. It is a constituent society of the Penn State Alumni Association.


The purpose of this organization is to unite alumni in the Bellisario College of Communications from the former School of Journalism (Liberal Arts), the Film/Video Program (Arts and Architecture), and Telecommunications Program (Liberal Arts) of The Pennsylvania State University, or alumni of the University who are currently professionally engaged in fields of communication and have declared the College’s constituent alumni society as their preferred society, in order to promote the objectives of strengthening all professions in communications, providing a means whereby alumni may join together to enhance the interests and reputations of the Bellisario College of Communications and University, and achieving closer fellowship among its alumni, faculty, and students.

The Society shall also assist faculty and staff to elevate and sustain the academic stature of the College; encourage support of development of academic programs and scholarships; promote professional development of students in all media through alumni counseling; and foster a sense of pride in and a commitment to the College while enhancing its reputation and prestige.


Section 1. Alumni Membership -- All persons who are currently members of the

Penn State Alumni Association and who have completed one semester or two terms of classes in the Bellisario College of Communications and/or its predecessors (program areas) or, those who have declared this constituent alumni society as their preferred society, shall be eligible for all membership privileges of this Society.

Section 2. Associate Membership -- Faculty members, present and past, parents of students or of alumni, and other friends of the College shall be admitted to associate membership in this Society upon payment of a fee to the Penn State Alumni Association for associate membership. Associate members may not vote or hold office in this society.

Section 3. Life Membership -- Members of the Bellisario College of Communications Alumni Society, who became life members of the Penn State Alumni Association, shall be life members of the Society.

Section 4. Annual Giving -- As a condition of Board membership, all members are required to contribute to the Bellisario College of Communications annually at any giving level and to any fund that supports the College of Communications (Internship Fund, Future Fund, etc.). Participation by members of the Young Alumni Council (YAC) is optional. All contribution amounts will be confidential.

Section 1. Dues --
Dues as set and paid to the Penn State Alumni Association shall provide a basis of eligibility for membership in the Society under a combined membership plan.

Section 2. Fiscal Year -- The fiscal year of the Society shall be a period from July 1 through June 30.

Section 3. Operating Expenses -- The basic operating expenses of the Society will be met with funds transferred to the College by the Penn State Alumni Association.

Section 4. Other Expenses -- The other expenses of the Society (non-operating expenses) shall be met with funds solicited through fund raising efforts and the dean’s general operating budget.

Section 5. Accounting -- The funds of the Society are held within the accounting system of The Pennsylvania State University and administered by the director of alumni activities within the College with the advice and counsel of the board, and with final approval of the dean of the College. The alumni director shall render a statement of receipts and expenditures at each meeting of the board.

Section 1. Board of Directors -- The board of directors shall be the governing body of the Society. It shall be the duty of the board to carry out the purpose, policies, and will of the Society, including the appointment of any representatives of and for the Society on any outside boards, councils, or committees to which the Society may have invitation and occasion to have representatives.

Section 2.1 Elected Members -- The board shall consist of up to twenty-four (24) members, including fifteen (15) alumni members, the immediate past president, five (5) Young Alumni Council members and up to three (3) student representatives, each of whom is an undergraduate enrolled full-time with third- to sixth-semester standing. The students will be nominated by the Dean, members of his administration or Bellisario College of Communications faculty. The Young Alumni Committee is comprised of one graduate from each of the College’s five majors, whenever possible, who is aged 30 years old or younger at the start of his/her term. Terms are three years long and are staggered to ensure the YAC never fully turns over at the same time. No Young Alumni Council member shall be eligible to serve more than one term. Former Young Alumni Council members will be eligible to apply for full Board membership based on eligibility and time off the board at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Member terms shall begin in the fall semester to correspond with in-person meetings of the Board.

Section 2.2 Immediate Past-President -- This shall include the immediate past- president of the Society who shall serve as a member of the Executive Board for one (1) year.

Section 2.3 Presidential Appointments -- All current program areas of the College shall be represented on the board by at least one member. To accomplish this goal, the president of the Society may appoint one or more director(s) to serve for one year with full privileges. The number of presidential appointments for the purpose of achieving board balance may not exceed six (6) in one year and must be approved by the executive committee.

Section 2.4 Ex-Officio Members -- The following shall serve as ex-officio members of the board: the College’s Dean, manager of alumni relations, and director of development; and presidents of The Daily Collegian Alumni Interest Group and the Advertising/Public Relations Alumni Network.

Section 2.5 Term of Office -- Beginning with new members of the Board seated after September 1, 2020, the terms of the members shall be for two years. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms, but after a period of five years of non-membership, a former member shall again be eligible. Member terms shall begin in the fall semester to correspond with in-person meetings of the Board.

Section 2.6 Term Limitations -- Beginning with members of the Board seated after September 1, 2020, a former member, after having been off of the Board for at least five years, may be elected again and eligible to serve two consecutive two-year terms. The term limit shall not be applied to the president, the president-elect or the secretary during their respective terms of office nor shall it be applicable to the immediate past president for the year following his/her term as president.

Section 2.7 Retired Board Members -- The Dean of the College may establish a means for retired Board members to continue their involvement with affairs of the College, e.g. The Carnegie Society.

Section 3. Voting Rights -- Elected members, presidential appointments, and the immediate past-president shall serve with vote. Ex-officio and student members shall serve without vote.

Section 4. Absences -- One (1) absence from an in-person Board meeting without notification may be deemed a resignation.

Section 5. Vacancies of Unexpired Terms -- Vacancies of unexpired terms shall be filled as specified in Article V, Section 2.3.

Section 1. Officers --
Officers shall serve for terms of two (2) years. Officers of the Society shall be president, president-elect, and secretary. All officers shall be elected from the active, eligible members of the board who have voting privileges.

Section 2. Election of Officers -- Beginning with the fall 2025 meeting, the board of directors shall elect their officers at the fall meeting of the Society every other year.

Section 3. Terms of Office -- No officer may be elected to the same office for more than two (2) successive terms. Officers elected while serving their last year on the board will have their term extended to coincide with the term of office. Persons so extended shall be additional members of the board until their term as an officer expires.

Section 4. Office Vacancies -- A vacancy occurring in the presidency shall be filled by the president-elect. Should any other office be vacant, an eligible member of the board who already has voting privileges shall be appointed by the president to serve until the office shall be filled by election.

Pursuant to Section 3 above, appointment to fill a vacant office shall not be considered as election to that office.


Section 1. President -- The president shall preside at all meetings and shall be

responsible for general supervision of all work of the Society, including the appointment of such committees as may be deemed desirable. The president or member of the board appointed by the president shall serve as representative to the Alumni Council of the Penn State Alumni Association.

Section 2. The President-Elect -- The president-elect shall perform such duties as may be designated by the president and the board. In the absence of the president, the president-elect shall preside at meetings.

Section 3.1 Secretary -- The minutes of the Society, the executive committee, and the board shall be kept by the secretary. He or she shall send the minutes to the manager of alumni relations who shall have them duplicated and distributed to the members of the board in a timely manner.

Section 1. Standing Committees --
The Board shall consist of committees responsible for performing work and carrying out the mission of the Board.

The Executive Committee shall include all officers and the alumni liaison as an ex-officio member. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to schedule and create the agenda for board of director meetings, have emergency decision-making powers, and carry on the business of the board whenever necessary between regular or special meetings of the board.

The Executive Committee shall also be responsible for identifying, implementing, and aligning members to other committees based on the needs of the Board.

Section 2. Special Committees -- The president or the board of directors shall create such special committees as necessary for the proper functioning of the Society. Any member of the Society may serve as a member of a special committee when appointed by the president with approval of the executive committee.

Section 1. Regular Meetings --
The board of directors shall meet at least once a year during the standard academic year (Fall-Spring). The meeting shall be held on the date and at the place fixed by the board.

Section 2. Special Meetings -- Special meetings may be held at such time and place determined by majority of the board. Written announcement must be made at least four (4) weeks in advance of the date of the meeting.

Section 3. Quorum -- Two-thirds of voting board members present or participating via teleconferencing shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. No Conflict -- No provisions or actions may be taken by this Society which would be in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Penn State Alumni Association or the rules and regulations established by the Alumni Council.

Section 1. Amendments --
Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may originate with the board of directors or by written petition of two-thirds or more members of the Board and must be submitted in writing to the president not less than two (2) months ahead for inclusion on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the board of directors.

Section 2. Special Notice -- The alumni director shall send notice of intent to amend the Constitution and By-Laws along with complete information regarding the proposed amendments to each member of the board of directors and the Society at least four (4) weeks prior to the announced meeting.

Section 3. Notice Required -- The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at a regular or special meeting, providing that the special notice required by Section 2 above has been distributed to the board and to the Society.

Section 4. Voting on Amendments -- Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be passed by favorable vote of two-thirds of those members of the board of directors present and voting at the announced meeting or participating via teleconferencing or by written proxy ballot submitted.

Updated 12/22