
Academic Action Plan

Please complete this form before your appointment with an adviser. During your meeting, you and your adviser will review your responses together.

The resources listed below may be helpful as you reflect on your challenges and establish your goals:

Recovery Points

Recovery points measure the number of credits you need to complete with a B or better to return to a 2.00 cumulative GPA (good standing). For example, if your recovery points = 30, you must achieve a B or better in 30 credits to return to good academic standing.

Please use the recovery points calculator and enter your result in the appropriate place in the form below. 

Please refer to the Recovery Points section above and enter the number from the Recovery Points Calculator.

Academics (Select all that apply.) *
Course Content (Select all that apply.) *
Motivation (Select all that apply.) *
Personal/Social Concerns (Select all that apply.) *

Goal Setting

Answer these Q's in your response. 1) What do you want to do better moving forward? 2) What is one thing you can do each week to improve? 3) What will change with the previous challenges you faced in this area? 4) What obstacles do you anticipate as you try to improve?

Goal 1: Scale

On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to achieve this goal next semster?

Answer these Q's in your response. 1) What do you want to do better moving forward? 2) What is one thing you can do each week to improve? 3) What will change with the previous challenges you faced in this area? 4) What obstacles do you anticipate as you try to improve?

Goal 2 Scale

On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to achieve this goal next semster?