Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UGTAs)
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UGTAs) are motivated undergraduate students who assist instructors and students in the teaching-learning initiative. UGTAs are assigned to a particular course, and they work closely with instructors to provide challenging and meaningful learning experiences for enrolled students.

Should I become a UGTA?
You should consider becoming a UGTA if you have a strong desire to help others master course material. A UGTA should be fully invested in the success of their students.
Additionally, becoming a UGTA will help you gain a deeper understanding of the material in the course. This will benefit you in your future studies if you plan to work in a related field, attend graduate school, or pursue a teaching career.
What skills should a UGTA have?
A UGTA should possess strong organizational and interpersonal skills, and exceptional time management capabilities.
As a UGTA, you should be able to explain course concepts to individual students or groups in an easy-to-understand manner, provide feedback to students on writing and other assignments, and be able to troubleshoot course technology.
How Do I Become a UGTA?
1. Fulfill the Bellisario College requirements
* Please note, UGTAs can either be paid or earn course credit. They cannot do both.
Paid UGTAs: All undergraduate students serving as paid UGTAs must have attained at least 5th-semester standing, have completed the course with a grade of A- or better, and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
For-Credit UGTAs: Students earning credit as UGTAs must enroll in at least one, and no more than three credits for the semester in which the teaching assistant work will be done. Students must have attained at least 5th-semester standing, have completed the course with a grade of A- or better, and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
2. Apply
Click HERE to apply.
3. Attend Training
UGTAs must complete the Bellisario College’s Leadership and Technology for Communications Instruction course, COMM 497, offered asynchronously in Canvas. This is a one-credit course, and involves seven (7), one-hour learning sessions, to be completed during your first semester as a UGTA. You will automatically be enrolled in COMM 497 if your application is successful. This course is only required to be completed once.
This training course is crucial. It offers essential guidance on expectations and valuable strategies for success. Following these recommendations will also increase your chances of being invited back as a teaching assistant in future semesters.
What are the benefits of being a UGTA?
One of the greatest benefits of becoming a UGTA is that you can work on campus and build your resume for your chosen field, while enrolled as a student.
You can demonstrate to future employers or graduate programs your work ethic, ability to communicate effectively, and ability to manage time appropriately.
Furthermore, becoming a UGTA can help you foster a strong relationship with the professor who may act as a mentor and be a helpful bridge into a career or graduate school.