Event Archive

Dec 09, 2021

BAMS Meeting

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: 103 Willard Building (Bellisario Media Center)

Regular meeting of Bellisario Alliance of Multicultural Students.

Dec 06, 2021

Life After Carnegie

Panel Discussion

Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Location: Carnegie Cinema (113 Carnegie Building)

An alumni panel discussion coordinated by the Ad/PR Club, featuring ...

  • Anna James ('18), an account supervisor at Saatchi & Saatchi;
  • Shawn Fox ('18), a marketing specialist at Peacock TV (NBCUniversal Media);
  • Erin Rogers ('17), a social media manager at 360i; and
  • Michele Lake ('18), a senior art director at Harrison and Star.

Dec 02, 2021

BAMS Meeting

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: 103 Willard Building (Bellisario Media Center)

Regular meeting of Bellisario Alliance of Multicultural Students.

Nov 11, 2021

SciComm Speaker Series: "Vaccine Dissent and the Post-COVID Landscape"

Bernice Hausman

Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Bernice L. Hausman, Chair of the Department of Humanities at Penn State College of Medicine

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, public conversation about vaccine dissent focused largely on childhood vaccines and parental resistance. The reviled imago of the antivaxxer was a mother, usually white and educated, who resisted routine childhood vaccinations through scientific misunderstanding, gullibility to internet charlatans, or misplaced beliefs in natural approaches to health and wellness. COVID-19 changed all that. As the pandemic wore on and new rationales for vaccine dissent emerged, they were increasingly understood through the politics of race. First Black and brown communities were a focus of the new understanding, as these communities experience significant distrust of medicine due to histories of exploitation and discrimination. Then rural white and politically conservative communities became foci of interest, especially as Republicans have resisted calls for vaccine mandates to stem the tide of the Delta variant.

What is going on in our understanding of vaccine dissent and the politics of vaccine refusal? In tracing arguments about who dissents and why they do so, Dr. Hausman will explore how COVID has upended received ideas about what causes and sustains vaccine skepticism.

Zoom link: https://psu.zoom.us/j/93478458839?pwd=NVNTZXgremtpbXM4NkhSUExucm1iUT09

Website: https://psu.zoom.us/j/93478458839?pwd=NVNTZXgremtpbXM4NkhSUExucm1iUT09

Nov 11, 2021

BAMS Meeting

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: 103 Willard Building (Bellisario Media Center)

Regular meeting of Bellisario Alliance of Multicultural Students.

Teresa Correa

Nov 10, 2021

"Material Access Still Matters"

Dr. Teresa Correa, Universidad Diego Portales

Lecture Series: Pockrass Memorial Lecture

Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm

Location: Zoom

Dr. Teresa Correa of Universidad Diego Portales will present "Material Access Still Matters: The Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Inclusion Through Mobiles Only”

The Pockrass Lecture was named after the late Professor Robert M. Pockrass, a member of Penn State’s journalism faculty from 1948 to 1977. Pockrass, who specialized in public opinion and popular culture, served as the graduate officer and taught radio news writing.

Weeda Mehran 1536x1402

Nov 08, 2021

"Afghan Children: Four Decades of War”

Weeda Mehran, University of Exeter

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: Zoom

Weeda Mehran, a faculty member at the University of Exeter, will be featued during a session sponsored by the Children, Youth, Media and International and Global Conflict Zones Initiative of the Rock Ethics Institute.

Website: https://rockethics.psu.edu/events/children-media-and-conflict-zones-lab-talk-with-weeda-mehran/

Nov 05, 2021

"Going Back, Coming Home? Future and Return Perspectives Among Sahrawi Youth Abroad"

Rita Reis, University of Lisbon

Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm

Location: Zoom

Rita Reis, a Ph.D. candidate in social anthropology, Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, will be featued during a session titled "Going Back, Coming Home? Future and Return Perspectives Among Sahrawi Youth Abroad." The event is sponsored by the Children, Youth, Media and International and Global Conflict Zones Initiative of the Rock Ethics Institute. Hosted by Yael Warshel, an assistant professor, Department of Telecommunications and Media Industries. She is a Rock Ethics Research Associate and founding director of the Children, Media and Conflict Zones Lab:


Website: https://rockethics.psu.edu/events/children-media-and-conflict-zones-lab-talk-with-rita-reis/

Bianca Guimares

Nov 03, 2021

"Social Responsibility in the Creative World"

Bianca Guimaraes

Lecture Series: Davis Program in Ethical Leadership

Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Location: Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library

Bianca Guimaraes, an Emmy Award-winning creative advertising director based in New York City who has been named one of the "30 Most Creative People in Advertising Under 30” four times, will present the 2021 Davis Lecture in Advertising Ethics. Guimaraes will make her presentation remotely. The session is free and open to the public.

Nov 02, 2021

Guest Lecture: Sarah Silbiger

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Location: Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library

Award-winning photojournalist Sarah Silbiger will discuss and share her work during a session that is free and open to the public.

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