Yang (Alice) Cheng

Ethically integrating AI into crisis communication – Scholar Q&A with Alice Cheng

A collaborative research effort featuring academic and professional expertise in AI ethics and crisis communication will explore the ethical implications and practical applications of artificial intelligence in crisis communication.

Rosalynn Vasquez, Baylor University

Identifying PR’s role in ethics training, DEI initiatives – Scholar Q&A with Rosalynn Vasquez

Rosalynn Vasquez, Baylor University, shares an overview of her interest in social issues, discusses the need for this research, and explains her plan to understand social issues in the workplace and their influence on company culture from an ethics of care perspective.

Michael Sneed

Michael Sneed, former CCO of Johnson & Johnson, joins the Page Center advisory board

Former executive vice president of global corporate affairs and chief communication officer of Johnson & Johnson Michael Sneed joined the Page Center’s advisory board. His experience leading global marketing, communication and philanthropy efforts at J&J will be invaluable.

Hyejoon Rim, University of Minnesota; Moonhee Cho, University of Tennessee; and Katie Haejung Kim, University of Minnesota

Understanding CSA from the perspectives of PR professionals and employees

A Page Center study explored corporate social advocacy from the perspective of communicators at large U.S. corporations. Their results revealed that employees value their organization’s communication efforts, feeling informed and involved in the CSA process

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Insights Report Image

The Page Center's 2023 Insights Report on Corporate Social Advocacy

The Page Center’s Insights Report on corporate social advocacy is a collection of new research-based tips and tactics for leading communicators to engage in multiple forms of advocacy.

Page Center Modules

Page Center Training Modules

The Page Center is strengthening the role of ethics education in communications classrooms. We offer 15 free online modules on a range of ethics topics in public relations.


The Arthur W. Page Center Awards

Every year the Page Center honors icons of public communications who, over the course of their careers, have demonstrated a commitment to the concept of "truth well told."