Blog Archive for Social Media Category

Leticia Bode, Melissa Tully, and Emily Vraga

Research in Progress: Combating the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media

May 15, 2018

By Leticia Bode, Georgetown University; Melissa Tully, University of Iowa; and Emily Vraga, George Mason University

During the 2016 United States presidential election campaign, the term “fake news” rose to prominence in popular culture and conversation. The realization that people and groups were intentionally creating, disseminating, and popularizing “news” stories that were deliberately fake—not based on any facts… More

Stevie Berberick

YouTube producers can provide clear answers for transgender individuals

March 15, 2017

By Stevie Berberick, post-defense doctoral candidate at Penn State

Mainstream media obscures a number of topics that are of import for transgender individuals, leaving them and their allies at a loss when it comes to finding answers to questions. According to research I recently conducted, independent transgender YouTube vloggers illustrate that  for strategic communication practitioners social media matters.

Marcus Messner

Placing health communications under the microscope

February 8, 2017

By Sarah Vlazny, Page Center intern

With the help of Page Center funding, Marcus Messner’s ongoing research could change the way health organizations communicate with their publics and make the world a healthier place.

Messner, a Page Center legacy scholar and journalism professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, has focused much of his research on methods and trends… More

Stevie Berberick

Potential support for transgender individuals may lie with video bloggers

April 11, 2016

By Stevie Berberick, Pennsylvania State University

Transgender individuals (folks whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth) are among one of the most marginalized groups in our society. One comprehensive study found that 51 percent of transgender individuals faced job loss due to a refusal to recognize gender identity as… More

Social media discussion

What motivates communicators to share best practices?

January 20, 2016

At its core, social media is all about two-way communication. Users share moments, ideas and opinions, and comment on others’ moments, ideas and opinions. Communicators who run accounts for businesses often embrace this back-and-forth in order to learn how to better engage their audiences.

But why? What motivates a social media manager to reach across company lines and… More

Doctor with Instagram card

Health organizations face number of challenges when Instagramming

December 17, 2015

With hundreds of millions of active users— many of them young people—the power of photo/video-sharing social network Instagram has become too big to ignore.

Just as social media managers solidified their Facebook and Twitter strategies, Instagram gained immense popularity. Late last year, it surpassed Twitter’s user total. Communicators know the visual-based platform is an important vehicle to the… More

