Blog Archive for Stakeholder Engagement Category

Yi Grace Ji

Effective corporate messaging on geopolitical issues – Scholar Q&A with Yi Grace Ji

June 20, 2023

A cross-institutional team of Page Center scholars is studying corporate advocacy initiatives that will help build a model for companies to effectively and ethically communicate geopolitical issues. Their two-part study will examine social media communication from Fortunate 500 companies in the United States to learn how these corporations approach controversial global topics – in this case, the Russian invasion… More

Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University and Jordan Morehouse, Clemson University

Toward a caring government: PR practitioners’ approaches to ethics of care in the public sector

May 1, 2023

By Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University and Jordan Morehouse, Clemson University

While government public relations practitioners are constantly challenged by poor public trust, we have limited knowledge about how to foster organization-public relationships (OPR) in the public sector. Building and sustaining quality relationships with diverse publics presents distinct difficulties for government entities as compared to their… More

Fuyuan SRF

‘Vaccine narrative effectiveness’ by senior research fellow Fuyuan Shen

November 14, 2022

A published research paper I co-authored with some collaborators from the Bellisario College examined the effects of conversion narratives on attitudes and behavioral intention to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The study was conducted in January 2021, before the vaccine became widely available to the general public. It was also a time when many were unsure about the… More

Stephanie Madden

‘Ethics of nonprofit fundraising’ by senior research fellow Stephanie Madden

November 8, 2022

The ethics of nonprofit fundraising is an undertheorized area. As such, the ethics of effective fundraising tactics used by nonprofits may not be fully considered. For example, the emotionally evocative imagery of starving children may be effective in raising money for an aid organization, but what are the ethics of employing this tactic?

Professional fundraising associations have adopted… More

