Blog Archive for Teaching Category

Ed Timke, a scholar from Michigan State University

Creating disability ethics training that goes beyond compliance – Scholar Q&A with Edward Timke

June 12, 2024

Two Page Center scholars from Michigan State University are leading a study that addresses a gap in disability-focused ethics training in the public relations industry. They will study ethical dimensions of accessibility and accommodation within the industry, making it both compliant in its rules, but also genuinely empathetic in its culture. First-time Page Center scholar Edward Timke and three-time… More

Laura Lemon

Building a compass to navigate (mis/dis)information – Scholar Q&A with Laura Lemon

June 11, 2024

For communication professionals, misinformation and disinformation are serious threats that can have long-lasting implications. Unfortunately, there is a critical gap in applying an ethical framework and a lack of training resources for handling false information. A team of scholars from the University of Alabama is conducting a study to identify ethical standards that will help practitioners prepare and react… More

The Page Center has a new module!

New training module, Page Center Integrity Badge available

February 6, 2024

The Page Center is launching a special training module that captures the magic of its annual integrity awards and packages it with current initiatives and important topics facing public communication industries. Students who complete the online module will receive the 2024 Page Center Integrity Badge and – backed by the words of awards honorees – they will learn how… More

Tara's Blog about AI and PR

Write better than a robot: Introducing my PR class to ChatGPT

April 26, 2023

Editor's Note: Special thanks to Joseph Niedziejko for helping with this project.

I recently attended the Institute for Public Relations Bridge Conference where practitioners and professors were mostly talking artificial intelligence. It struck me that practitioners were saying that they anticipate that new graduates will be very adept and interested in using AI, and they were looking at these… More
