Madden and Levenshus

Research in Progress: Developing the female candidate’s story: New directions in political PR

June 11, 2019

By Stephanie Madden, Pennsylvania State University, and Abbey Levenshus, Butler University

On January 3, 2019, the 116th U.S. Congress made herstory as 127 women were sworn into office.

News coverage of the 116th Congress focused not only on candidates as women, but also on other aspects of their identities such as the first female combat veteran, youngest woman in Congress, first Native American woman, first Muslim woman and first openly gay senator. Rather than trying to… More

Fake News Research

How corporations can survive a fake news crisis

June 5, 2019

By Michele E. Ewing and Cheryl Ann Lambert, Kent State University

In a society where anything can be said and taken as fact by large segments of the population, organizations are facing an uphill battle to prove their communication is credible. Unfortunately, fake news producers have widened the gulf between what messaging organizations can and cannot control. To find out why some organizations have survived false accusations while others have not, we sought out senior corporate communication practitioners… More

Virginia S. Harrison, Penn State

Research in Progress: Revisiting the concept of stewardship in public relations

May 31, 2019

By Virginia S. Harrison, Penn State Ph.D. student

In 1961, Charles and Marie Robertson of A&P supermarkets made a landmark gift to Charles’ alma mater, Princeton University. Benefitting the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs, the gift was designated to support students training for careers in government.

However, in 2002, the Robertson heirs sued Princeton, alleging the university was no longer using the funds for their intended purpose. Princeton officials defended the use of… More

Erica Ciszek research

Cultivating trust with LGBTQ publics

May 7, 2019

By Leah Tobia, Page Center intern

To this day, you can be fired for identifying as LGBTQ in over 30 U.S. states. Research shows that to enhance trust in conversations, organizations should first understand and acknowledge their publics, and then implement policies and procedures.

With funding from the Arthur W. Page Center, Erica Ciszek, assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, conducted a study that focuses on building relationships through the concept of trust. The… More

Diana Sisson

Q&A with Page Center research fellow Diana Sisson

April 29, 2019

By Leah Tobia, Page Center intern

It is difficult to identify authenticity in a time when fake news and mistrust make headlines. Diana Sisson, an assistant professor of public relations at Auburn University, is bridging the gap between how practitioners and researchers define authenticity.

In 2017, Sisson’s proposal on digital media research was selected by the Page Center. She is now one of two scholars the Center selected last August for its new research fellows program. As… More

Marlene Neill

Q&A with Page Center research fellow Marlene Neill

April 19, 2019

By Leah Tobia, Page Center intern

Installing ethics education into classrooms around the globe is the top recommendation of a 2018 report released by the Commission on Public Relations Education. Marlene Neill, assistant professor at Baylor University, is creating a plan to help the Page Center answer the Commission’s call.

Neill has a long history with the Page Center as a scholar and advocate. Last August, she was selected as one of two Page Center… More

