Headline with soccer ball in the grainy distance

The role of advocacy in women’s sport: A smart business decision?

January 18, 2024

By Dunja Antunovic, University of Minnesota with Katie Lebel, University of Guelph; Nancy Lough, UNLV; Ceyda Mumcu, University of New Haven; Ann Pegoraro, University of Guelph; Nicole LaVoi, University of Minnesota; and Kim Soltis, University of Minnesota

Women’s sport in the United States continues to break attendance numbers, set new viewership records, increase social media engagement, and sell out merchandize. Athletes, teams, and sponsors are also speaking out on social issues and taking a stance on… More

Obar and Akinyemi from York University in Canada

Assessing transparency of corporate digital analytics – Scholar Q&A

January 15, 2024 • Jonathan McVerry

It’s a near certainty that you have a social media account and/or have made an online purchase in your lifetime. But how certain are you about how those companies store or use your data? Sure, you clicked the “Terms and Conditions” button, but do you know if the company might use your data for digital analytics? To develop artificial intelligence (AI)?

With data harvesting and digital analytics increasing in scope and capability, a team of first-time Page Center… More

Keonyoung Park, assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University

An interdisciplinary study on how AI affects CSR - Scholar Q&A with Keonyoung Park

December 5, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

If you’ve read the Page Center blog the past couple months (or any news outlet, really), it’ll be no surprise to hear that artificial intelligence technology has affected every inch of public communication. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) – an expectation that companies engage in responsible activities that contribute to community, the environment, and society – is no different. First-time Page Center scholars Keonyoung Park, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Hoyoung Yoon, Ewha Womans University, are leading a project to… More

Yuan Wang, City University of Hong Kong, and Rita Linjuan Men, University of Florida

Adapting organizational tactics for digital internal listening – Scholar Q&A

December 4, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

For as long as businesses with employees have been around, there has been some form of internal organizational listening. But over the years, things change, and businesses need to adapt to ensure their employees feel heard and respected. Page Center scholars Yuan Wang, City University of Hong Kong, and Rita Linjuan Men, University of Florida, are leading a project to help organizations adjust to shifting technologies – in this case, technology that allows organizations to digitally listen using tools… More

I-Huei Cheng, National Chengchi University

PR as counsel for the ethical use of AI – Scholar Q&A with I-Huei Cheng

November 29, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

The infiltration of artificial intelligence into nearly all aspects of business may mean new responsibilities for public relations practitioners. Page Center scholars I-Huei Cheng, National Chengchi University; Karla Gower, University of Alabama; and Seow Ting Lee, University of Colorado Boulder, are leading a project that will help reveal some of those responsibilities. The project will also learn how practitioners view AI and how they understand their role in ensuring its ethical use. Their results will help organizations identify how… More

Ying Xiong and Joon Kyoung Kim, University of Rhode Island

Helping companies stay transparent about their AI use when hiring – Scholar Q&A

November 16, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

Artificial intelligence is finding a role in nearly every major industry. Human resources is no different. Two scholars are leading a project that will help companies become more transparent about using AI in their hiring practices. The project will not only gauge how people feel about AI, but will also help build trust between companies and stakeholders about how hiring is done. First-time Page Center scholar Ying Xiong and two-time scholar Joon Kyoung Kim, faculty members at the… More

