Taylor Voges, Ketchum; Shelley Spector, The Museum of Public Relations; and Yan Jin, University of Georgia

Learning from today’s Native American and First Nation communicators

July 8, 2023

By Taylor Voges, Ketchum; Shelley Spector, The Museum of Public Relations; and Yan Jin, University of Georgia

“So much inaccuracy…perpetuated by decades of Hollywood drama, by advertising. Don't get me started on professional sports teams…the textbooks that students study in America about Native American history [are] so wrong.”

These unfortunate conceptions have led researchers to investigate various portrayals of Indigenous peoples from throughout the U.S. and Canada. Of the studies conducted by researchers on Native Americans, very… More

Hao Xu, Jisu Huh and Hyejoon Rim

Companies getting political and publics’ reactions to CSA

July 6, 2023

By Hao Xu, University of Melbourne, Australia; Jisu Huh and Hyejoon Rim, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Corporate social advocacy (CSA) has received growing attention in recent years, given the polarized political environment and publics’ expectations on companies as active societal members.

In CSA, the extent to which publics perceive a company’s stance to be consistent with or opposite to their own stances and value is likely to influence publics’ attitudes and perceptions regarding the involved company. As many of… More

Queenie Li Miami

Strengthening public resilience post tragedy via social media – Scholar Q&A with Queenie Li

June 30, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

Scholars Queenie Jo-Yun Li and Yeunjae Lee both joined the School of Communication at the University of Miami in 2018. They quickly became collaborators. Their different interests – Li focuses on health communication and social change and Lee studies internal and employee communication – help inspire unique research ideas that examine how organizations can use resources to facilitate social change. Both Li and Lee have been funded by the Page Center before, and this year they are… More

Yi Grace Ji

Effective corporate messaging on geopolitical issues – Scholar Q&A with Yi Grace Ji

June 20, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

A cross-institutional team of Page Center scholars is studying corporate advocacy initiatives that will help build a model for companies to effectively and ethically communicate geopolitical issues. Their two-part study will examine social media communication from Fortunate 500 companies in the United States to learn how these corporations approach controversial global topics – in this case, the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the second part of their proposal, they will conduct survey research to investigate how corporate communication can… More

Shupei Yuan and Haoran “Chris” Chu

How the public views corporate sustainability strategy – Scholar Q&A

June 12, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

Today’s corporations are expected to have a response for the climate crisis. There is not, however, a clear framework for how to do that, especially given the drastic differences among major corporations. They serve different stakeholders, enact different mission statements and require different (if any) natural resources to operate. Scholars Shupei Yuan, associate professor at Northern Illinois University, and Haoran “Chris” Chu, assistant professor at the University of Florida, are leading a project to help companies shape a positive… More

Duli Shi

Message framing for social identity – Scholar Q&A with Duli Shi

May 31, 2023 • Jonathan McVerry

Companies making socially conscious decisions and sharing prosocial messaging has become a big part of business. Scholar Duli Shi, assistant professor at New Mexico State University, focuses her research on these corporate communication strategies. She says organizations can help people, especially marginalized groups, through their prosocial tactics. Her work aims to fine-tune the ways for-profit entities can do that. Shi and Sangwon Lee, assistant professor at New Mexico State University, are leading a study that will examine the effects… More

