Gregoria A. Yudarwati, Meganusa P. Ludvianto and Ina N. Ratriyana, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Promoting ethics of care to maintain harmony: Lessons from disaster management in Bali, Indonesia

April 18, 2023

By Gregoria A. Yudarwati, Meganusa P. Ludvianto and Ina N. Ratriyana, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study emerged from a curiosity in discovering how ethics of care can be integrated within an organization’s crisis responses, especially in its communication. With the support of the Page Center, we conducted fieldwork in Bali, Indonesia to examine the relationship between organizations, disaster-prone community members and the presence of culture that is ubiquitous in every aspect of their… More

Lilly Riddle

Student Essay: Lester Holt bypasses ‘need for clicks’ with factual reporting

April 10, 2023

By Lilly Riddle, journalism major at the Pennsylvania State University

Beyond the endless scroll of social media feeds and sensational chyrons is where the work of journalists like Lester Holt resides, eschewing the need for clicks and eyeballs while drawing an audience closer through hard-earned facts and essential truths.

It is this space — somewhere in the gray between politely requesting viewers’ attention and powerfully demanding it — that I hope to inhabit as a journalist,… More

Jennifer Wai

Student Essay: Entering a new era of technology, Jon Iwata’s integrity resonates

April 10, 2023

By Jennifer Wai, public relations major at Mount Royal University

The advice Jon Iwata gives to undergraduate students in public communications is learning how to adapt beyond academia while also respecting the power of theory.

For example, ChatGPT fulfilling some of the communications functions for practitioners may seem scary; however, instead of fearing it, learn how to make the most out of the new tools that are emerging. It will not be the tool that “takes”… More

Alexi Kim

Student Essay: Mary Barra ‘wins with integrity’ to restore public trust

April 10, 2023

By Alexi Kim, advertising/public relations major at the University of Central Florida

“Do the right thing even when it’s hard.”

This simple statement from Mary Barra holds great power, especially in the context of her leadership. As CEO of General Motors for nearly a decade, Barra has fully embodied this philosophy and inspired integrity throughout the entire organization.

To me, integrity is all about being honest, trustworthy and transparent. This definition was seen throughout Barra’s… More

Marlene S. Neill and Juan Meng

How servant leadership and caring are practiced in public relations

April 10, 2023

By Marlene S. Neill, Baylor University and Juan Meng, University of Georgia

What does it mean to practice servant leadership and to genuinely care about employees? We examined these very issues through in-depth interviews with 32 public relations leaders, which were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is published in Public Relations Inquiry and is titled “Examining the Characteristics and Virtues Associated with Servant Leadership in Public Relations.”

We applied the moral philosophy… More

Alan Abitbol, University of Dayton, and Matthew VanDyke, University of Alabama

Exploring the role of self-transcendent media experiences in corporate social advocacy

April 3, 2023

By Alan Abitbol, University of Dayton, and Matthew VanDyke, University of Alabama

Research has shown that consumers expect companies to take a stand on sociopolitical issues. Yet, more and more, it seems that when they do, consumer reactions can be visceral and swift (both in favor and against). So, why do consumers often have such a deep emotional response to the stances companies take on sociopolitical issues?

One explanation may be that many of the… More

