Jeong-Nam Kim,  Alessandro Lovari,  Hyelim Lee, Cristina Vaz de Almeida,

Research in Progress: Explicating the role of personal ethics in public engagement

June 20, 2022

By Jeong-Nam Kim, University of Oklahoma; Alessandro Lovari, University of Cagliari; Hyelim Lee, University of Oklahoma; and Cristina Vaz de Almeida, Technical University of Lisbon

Making citizens go green is a hard job. Public engagement regarding environmental issues such as climate change, recycling, no matter how threatening the lay citizens' ordinary life and future, is challenging.

People simply ignore problems unless individual citizens encounter very problematic situations. The only time people recognize it as a problem is… More

Luke Capizzo and Andrea Martinez Gonzalez

Research in Progress: Polarized environments? Exploring CSA in an environmental context

June 15, 2022

By Luke Capizzo, University of Missouri and Andrea Martinez Gonzalez, James Madison University

Organizations of all types have been more willing, in recent years, to engage in conversations about controversial or polarizing issues — from the Obergefell v. Hodges U.S. Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage to Black Lives Matter.

While, in the past, ostensibly apolitical organizations have steered away from issues not directly related to their business where taking a stand might alarm or anger certain… More

Ching-Hua Chuan, Michelle I. Seelig, Weiting Tao, Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai

Research In Progress: A theory-based mobile app for forming and sustaining pro-environmental habits

June 7, 2022

By Ching-Hua Chuan, Michelle I. Seelig, Weiting Tao, and Wan-Hsiu Sunny Tsai, University of Miami

Mobile technologies are now an integrated part of individuals’ daily lives for work, play, and learning. Growing research has highlighted the potential of mobile apps as innovative solutions to address various problems, including pedagogical apps for anti-racism activism, as well as health apps (mHealth) for promoting physical exercises, stress reduction and weight management.

In particular, mHealth studies have advocated using mobile technologies… More

Research by Yin Yang and Chris Skurka

Research in Progress: Millions struggle with period poverty. How might media messaging change that?

May 23, 2022

By Yin Yang Ph.D. student, and Chris Skurka, assistant professor, Penn State

Period poverty refers to a lack of access to menstrual products, hygiene facilities and adequate education. Globally, around 500 million individuals experience period poverty each month. For those who menstruate and live in the least developed countries, basic menstrual products may be unaffordable.

As a result, they use alternative materials to manage their period, such as rags and paper towels. This practice, however, poses a… More

Authenticity in CSR Communication

Showcase authenticity in CSR communication to reduce consumer skepticism

May 18, 2022 • Jonathan McVerry

Corporate social responsibility represents an organization’s commitment to improving society through strategic initiatives – often environmental or social. Research has found that to communicate CSR to consumers, an organization must be real about what they stand for.

One of the challenges is skepticism. Consumers and other stakeholders may wonder if a company isn’t just “talking the talk." While previous research has presented the concept of CSR authenticity, few studies explained what aspects of CSR communication can help a… More

Research by Ioana A. Coman, Texas Tech University and Rosalynn Vasquez, Boston University

Organizational social listening & corporate climate advocacy: Amazon & Amazon Employees for Justice

May 16, 2022

By Ioana A. Coman, Texas Tech University and Rosalynn Vasquez, Boston University

We set out to explore the relevant and timely phenomenon of organizational and social listening and the concept of dialogue, in the context of climate change advocacy. In this case study, we examined how Amazon, one of the largest, global tech companies, responded to its employees’ demands and calls for climate change actions and advocacy.

We were interested in exploring what happens when a company’s… More

