CSR Research with Linwan Wu and Holly Overton

Native CSR advertising effectiveness depends on persuasion recognition

January 7, 2022

By Linwan Wu, University of South Carolina and Holly Overton, Penn State University

Are native advertisements effective for communicating a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts as a crisis response strategy? Results from a series of Page Center-funded studies we conducted about native CSR advertising suggest that it depends on whether or not individuals are able to recognize the persuasive intent of the messages they are viewing.

Native advertising imitates the form and appearance of editorial content. It… More

Research by Taylor Voges, LaShonda Eaddy, Shelley Spector, and Yan Jin

Writing crisis communication history: Insights from health communication executives

November 4, 2021

By Taylor Voges, University of Georgia, LaShonda Eaddy, Penn State University, Shelley Spector, Museum of Public Relations, and Yan Jin, University of Georgia

This project – researching historical infectious disease communications and interviewing health communication practitioners – began as a way to better understand the seemingly new terrain that began in 2020. It was the early COVID-19 days. Borders shut, businesses closed, and much of the world remained on edge.

In 2021, tensions remain high as uncertainty… More

Research by Marlene S. Neill, Baylor University and Shannon A. Bowen, University of South Carolina

U.S. employees not satisfied with listening efforts of management

October 25, 2021

By Marlene S. Neill, Baylor University and Shannon A. Bowen, University of South Carolina

Women and lower-level employees working in U.S. organizations are not satisfied with management’s efforts to listen to them and they are often hesitant to offer critique or insight. These findings are based on a survey of 300 U.S. employees conducted in July of 2020.

The study, “Employee Perceptions of Ethical Listening in U.S. Organizations," was sponsored by a grant from the Arthur W. Page… More

Melanie Formentin

Research in Progress: Reimagining organization-public relationships through ethics of care

September 13, 2021

By Melanie Formentin, Towson University

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a given for most organizations. What started as a model for helping companies embrace responsible business practices regarding environmental and employee welfare has evolved in nuanced ways.

As younger generations expect companies to be open about their stances on important political and societal issues, we’ve seen an increase in conversations about authenticity and purpose. Companies are becoming more invested in corporate social advocacy and action… More

Jane Johnston and Jenny Zhengye Hou

Research in Progress: The road less traveled — An agent-based approach to ethics of care

August 31, 2021

By Jane Johnston, University of Queensland and Jenny Zhengye Hou, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

COVID-19 has placed a focus on the "caring professions" of health and aged workers who work on the front lines to save lives. This presents the opportunity for reflection by other professionals – public relations practitioners included – to ask: how do I incorporate caring into my job? What can I contribute to this challenging time? How can I work with a care… More

Tarleton Research - Social Media

Attention social media managers! Stakeholders expect you to listen

August 27, 2021

By Sarah Maben and Chris Gearhart, Tarleton State University

Truly listening to stakeholders in social media, and not just surveilling them for marketing preferences and trends, requires proof of listening. That means putting listening into action through a response such as a like, reply, favorite, heart, gif, or emoji.

Social media opened organizations up to two-way communication possibilities for stakeholder communication, but the amount of concurrent conversation on all your social channels is overwhelming. With so many… More

