- Advertising Law
- Communications Law
- Copyright Law
- First Amendment
- Free Speech
- Intellectual Property
- Internet Law
- Radio Industry
- Telecommunications Policy
- Television Industry
- Bachelor's: University of Florida
- Master's: University of Florida
- Ph.D.: Indiana University
Matt Jackson teaches communications law, Internet law, advertising law, copyright, telecommunications policy, media programming strategies and survey of electronic media. His research focuses on how copyright impacts free speech and shapes the production and consumption of cultural texts. He also conducts research on the First Amendment and policy issues affecting the Internet and other telecommunications industries.
Professor Jackson has published articles in numerous outlets, including Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal, Journal of Communication, Federal Communications Law Journal, Communications Law and Policy, and Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. He also wrote the chapter on cable regulation for the textbook "Communication and the Law." He presents his research at numerous academic and professional conferences each year and was recently elected vice-chair of the Law and Policy Division of the International Communication Association.
His articles on Internet copyright issues have been included as recommended reading at Harvard Law School and Catholic University and by Web sites maintained by the European Commission, FindLaw and elsewhere. His professional experience includes work in both commercial and public radio, where he earned regional awards from the Associated Press for his radio features. Before commencing his radio career, Jackson founded his own music management agency, Fervent Music.
In the News
Matthew Jackson
105 Carnegie Building