- Antitrust
- Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented Reality
- Competition Policy
- Consumer Protection
- Cyberlaw, Cybersecurity
- Data Protection
- Federal Communications Commission
- Federal Trade Commission
- First Amendment
- Wireless
- Bachelor's: University of Pennsylvania
- J.D.: University of Virginia School of Law
Rob Frieden holds the Pioneers Chair and serves as Professor of Telecommunications and Law in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications and the School of Law where he teaches courses about the law, policy, regulation and business management of telecommunications and the Internet. Professor Frieden has published 4 books, written over 100 articles in law and telecommunications policy journals and provides biannual updates for All About Cable and Broadband (Law Journal Press). He frequently provides insights for media, conference attendees and consultancy clients throughout the world.
Professor Frieden serves as an educator, researcher, grant seeker and consultant in the law, regulation and business of broadband networks, cybersecurity, electronic commerce, privacy, intellectual property, satellites and international trade. He serves as a prominent media source on network neutrality, video innovation, spectrum management, next generation networks, regulatory reform, satellites, broadband development, Internet governance, privacy, cybersecurity and the Internet of Things.
Professor Frieden holds a B.A., with distinction, from the University of Pennsylvania (1977) and a J.D. from the University of Virginia (1980).
In the News
- Landlines are dying out. But to some, they’re a lifeline.
- Why the end of net neutrality might look good ... at first
- The effect of net neutrality change is unknown
- Net neutrality outcome will affect everyone
- Facts about net neutrality
- Don't want your phone bill to rise? It's time to learn about net neutrality
- Communications faculty, staff honored for excellence
- Faculty member accepts role with Harvard-based center
- T-mobile wants more beachfront spectrum
- Faculty members ready to share expertise at international conference
- Faculty members honored for excellence
- Working group focuses on communications policy
- 'A scholar of the highest order' retires from the Bellisario College
Representative List
The Internet of Platforms and Two-Sided Markets: Implications for Competition and Consumers, 63 VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW 269-320 (2018).
Freedom to Discriminate: Assessing the Lawfulness and Utility of Biased Broadband Networks, 20 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT AND TECHNOLOGY LAW, 655-708 (2018).
The Mixed Blessing in Subsidized Internet Access, 15 COLORADO TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 269-306 (2017).
Grey nuances in the black and white debate over subsidized
Internet access, 41 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY 1017-1026 (2017); http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2016.10.002.
The Costs and Benefits of Regulatory Intervention in Internet Disputes: Lessons from Broadcast Signal Retransmission Consent Negotiations. 37 COMMUNICATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, No. 1, 1-36 (Winter, 2015).
New models and conflicts in the interconnection and delivery of Internet- mediated content, 38 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, No. 11, 970-978 (Dec. 2014).
The Impact of Next Generation Television on Consumers and the First Amendment, 24 FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL. No. 1, 61-95 (2014).
The Rise of Quasi-Common Carriers and Conduit Convergence, 9 I/S: A JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY FOR THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, No. 3, 471-496 (2014).
Identifying Best Practices in Financing Next Generation Networks, 29 THE INFORMATION SOCIETY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, No.4, 234-247 (2013).
The Mixed Blessing of a Deregulatory Endpoint for the Public Switched Telephone Network, 37 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, No. 4-5, 400- 412 (May, 2013).
Do Conduit Neutrality Mandates Promote or Hinder Trust in Internet-mediated Transactions?, 28 COMPUTER, LAW & SECURITY REVIEW, 560-567 (2012).
Rationales For and Against Regulatory Involvement in Resolving Internet Interconnection Disputes, 14 YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY 266-313 (2012).
<span id="cke_bm_125S" none;"=""> Assessing the Need for More Incentives to Stimulate Next Generation Network Investment, 7 I/S: A JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLICY FOR THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, No. 2, 207-256 (2012).
Legislative and Regulatory Strategies for Providing Consumer Safeguards in a Convergent Information and Communications Marketplace, 33 HASTINGS COMMUNICATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, No. 1, 207-248 (Winter, 2011).
Assessing the Merits of Network Neutrality Obligations at Low, Medium and High Network Layers, 115 PENN STATE LAW REVIEW, No. 1, 49-82 (Summer, 2010)
Invoking and Avoiding the First Amendment: How Internet Service Providers Leverage Their Status as Both Content Creators and Neutral Conduits, 12 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, No. 5, 1279-1323 (June, 2010).
Case Studies in Abandoned Empiricism and the Lack of Peer Review at the Federal Communications Commission, 8 JOURNAL ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS & HIGH TECHNOLOGY LAW 277 (2010).
Lock Down on the Third Screen: How Wireless Carriers Evade Regulation of Their Video Services, 24 BERKELEY TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL, 819 (Spring, 2009).
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Developing a Clearer Assessment of Market Penetration and Broadband Competition in the United States, 14 VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY, 100 (Summer, 2009).
Hold the Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers, 69 PITTSBURG LAW REVIEW, 675 (2008).
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: New Strategies for Selective Regulation of Information Services, 6 JOURNAL ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY LAW, 373 (2008).
Internet Packet Sniffing and Its Impact on the Network Neutrality Debate and the Balance of Power Between Intellectual Property Creators and Consumers, 18 FORDHAM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 633 (2008).
Network Neutrality or Bias?—Handicapping the Odds for a Tiered and Branded Internet, 29 HASTINGS COMMUNICATIONS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL, 171 (2007).
What Do Pizza Delivery and Information Services Have in Common? Lessons From Recent Judicial and Regulatory Struggles with Convergence, 32 RUTGERS COMPUTER AND TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL, 247 (2006).
Lessons From Broadband Development in Canada, Japan, Korea and the United States, 29 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, 595 (Sept. 2005).
Revenge of the Bellheads: How the Netheads Lost Control of the Internet, 26 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, 125 (Sep./Oct. 2002).
Dialing for Dollars: Will the FCC Regulate Internet Telephony, 23 RUTGERS COMPUTER AND TECHNOLOGY LAW JOURNAL 47 (1997).
International Telecommunications and the Federal Communications Commission, 21 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW 423 (1983).
Rob Frieden
102 Carnegie Building