Triwik Kurniasari
Triwik Kurniasari holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from her hometown university in Indonesia, Sebelas Maret University, and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in communication and development studies at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. She started her career as a journalist and deputy editor at the English-language newspaper The Jakarta Post in Jakarta.
In recent years, she has worked in the humanitarian field to assist vulnerable populations through her position as a public information assistant at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Jakarta, communications associate at the World Food Programme in Dubai and special events intern at the UN Secretariat in New York City. Her research interests center around the intersection of refugee issues and their integration, digital communications and community engagement. She wants to incorporate her humanitarian and educational background to assist the integration of refugees into their new society.
She has traveled to 35 countries and published three travel books. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, doing yoga and baking.