“…and communications for all” — A Communications Policy Agenda for the New Administration"
National Communication Association 2008 Annual Convention
“…and communications for all” — A Communications Policy Agenda for the New Administration, Principles for a Socially Inclusive Communication Policy
Sponsor: Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide
This two-part program explored a comprehensive communications policy agenda for the new federal administration entering office in January 2009 that emphasized the potential of information technologies for improving democratic discourse, social responsibility, and the quality of life, and the means by which these technologies can be made available to all Americans.
Chair: Amit Schejter, Pennsylvania State University
“The Role of Scholarship in Media and Telecommunication Policy Reform”
Robert W. McChesney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“The Social Challenges to the United States as an Information Society”
Jorge Reina Schement, Pennsylvania State University
“Improving Community Access to Information”
Nancy Kranich, American Library Association
“Policies We Can Learn From — International Comparisons and Benchmarks”
Amit Schejter, Pennsylvania State University
“Cable Television: Policy Dilemmas and Possible Solutions”
Richard D. Taylor, Pennsylvania State University
“Rethinking the Media Ownership Policy Agenda”
Philip Napoli, Fordham University
“Universal Broadband Policies in the Digital Age”
Krishna Jayakar, Pennsylvania State University
“Ensuring a Quality Media Culture for Children and Youth: A Policy Framework for the Digital Age”
Kathryn Montgomery, American University