March 26, 2025
Success AFTER The City: What’s Next?
Featuring Bellisario College alumni at Swoop, Dow Jones, CROWDSURF and G&S Business Communications
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Zoom
You went to “Success In The City” … now what are your next steps? Or, you missed it … what can you do to catch up? Hear from four successful alumni based in New York City.
- Ashley Eisner (’07), Account Director, G&S Business Communications
- Amanda (Goldberg) Harrington (’16), Paid Media Manager, Dow Jones
- Willie Jungels (’14), VP-Sales, Swoop
- Nancy (Berman) Rosenberg (’19), Director of Marketing & Advertising, CROWDSURF
Presented as part of the COMM Career Conversations series from the Office of Internships and Career Services.