Media Effects Research Lab Research Archive Gaming Race, Gender, and Stereotypes Priming effect of gender stereotypical game portrayal and perspectives towards different gender Communication Technology Social Media You Affect Twitter, but How Does Twitter Affect You? Communication Technology Authority Cues and Perceived Credibility of Messages Involving Information About Covid-19 Vaccine Communication Technology Asking, crying, complaining, or sulking? Examining support seeking through communication channels Communication Technology Credibility and Sharing Intention of Debunking Information of Fake News Communication Technology Balancing or Counterbalancing Communication Deficits? Autism-Spectrum Disorder & Communication Tech Communication Technology It’s Called a “Controller” for a Reason: Sense of Control and Identity in Modding Communication Technology Text, Audio, and Avatars: Impact of Virtual Reality Training on Pedagogical Value Communication Technology Privacy Disclosing Sensitive vs. Non-sensitive Information: Based on Trust and Privacy Risk Perception Gaming Immersion Entertainment That’s Funny: The Effects of Humor and Information on Immersion and Enjoyment in Let’s Play Content Older ResearchNewer Research