Blog Archive for Corporate Social Responsibility Category

Corporate Social Responsibility

Open call research proposals have international flavor

September 15, 2015

The Arthur W. Page Center awarded 21 grants totaling about $79,000 this past summer to foster novel research, which will reveal what corporate social responsibility (CSR) looks like to corporate communicators and regular citizens around the world.

Page Center director Denise Bortree oversaw the “open call” portion of the awards, which garnered proposals on a variety of topics… More

Candace L. White and Kathy R. Fitzpatrick

Corporate perspectives on the role of global public relations and CSR in public diplomacy

September 8, 2015

By Candace L. White, Ph.D., University of Tennessee and Kathy R. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., American University

Public diplomacy has been transformed by transnational communication systems, including social media and the involvement of non-state actors. Globalization has created a power shift in international relations with greater interdependence of global business and international politics. The multi-lateral nature of 21st Century public… More

Eun Go, graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University

Research to reveal best ways to communicate CSR

August 27, 2015

By Eun Go, Penn State graduate student

My research funded by the Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication intends to explore what kinds of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities an organization should choose and how to communicate CSR through media. Organizations are increasingly engaging in, and publicizing, myriad CSR activities. However, it is questionable whether… More

Forthcoming study eyes Malaysia Airlines efforts related to flight disappearance

July 28, 2015

A study supported by the Arthur W. Page Center will examine social media messages and formal statements from Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian government in regard to the disappearance of Flight 370 in 2014.

The study, supported by a Page Legacy Scholar Grant, will address communications efforts from March 8, 2014, to July 8, 2014, with a focus… More

Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin

Improving media relationships in times of organizational crisis

July 22, 2015

Our research funded by the Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication at Penn State suggests that public relations professionals can enhance media relationships in times of crisis through providing more complete, timely and accurate information to media professionals.

Through 40 in-depth interviews with media professionals (i.e., reporters, journalists, bloggers, etc.), we examined how these professionals… More

