Blog Archive for Sustainability Category

Micro-mobilizations - Derek Moscato

The environmental legacies of Earth Day and Keystone XL highlight the impact of micro-mobilizations

May 10, 2022

By Derek Moscato, Western Washington University

The recent occurrence of Earth Day has once again fostered important national discussion about the energy economy and its implications for climate change and our ecological future. But even as media discourses focus on the fertile ground of shifting public opinion, environmental organizations must also remain focused on issues of stakeholder recruitment,… More

Barbara Miller Gaither and Janas Sinclair,

Corporate environmental ads are more persuasive when concern is high

October 2, 2017

By Barbara Miller Gaither, Elon University, and Janas Sinclair, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

While messages about the environment and climate change may be increasingly prominent, they involve complex scientific and public policy issues. In a study funded by the Page Center, we asked how members of the general public who lack environmental expertise make sense… More

Nicole Lee, Matthew VanDyke, Appalachian State University Rachel Hutman

Political ideology drives perceptions of climate change messages

July 27, 2017

By Nicole Lee, North Carolina State University, Matthew VanDyke, Appalachian State University, and Rachel Hutman, W2O Group

Political ideology can predict how people perceive messages about polarized scientific issues. We conducted two Page-funded studies that examined the way climate change is framed and the impact of different message frames based on the audience’s political ideology. The results of… More

Nicole Lee, Matthew VanDyke, and Rachel Hutman

Finding ways to communicate climate change, ethically and effectively

July 19, 2016

By Nicole Lee, North Carolina State University, Matthew VanDyke, Appalachian State University and Rachel Hutman, W20 Group

Evidence-based best practices for effective science communication are necessary now more than ever as environmental risks become hot-button partisan issues rather than purely scientific topics that communicate concern and motivate social change.

Research has shown that simply providing people with… More

