Blog Archive for Corporate Social Responsibility Category

Flora Hung-Baesecke, Don Stacks, Timothy Coombs and Yi-Ru Regina Chen

Finding the impact CSR and CSV have on stakeholder trust

October 18, 2016

By Flora Hung-Baesecke, Massey University; Don Stacks, University of Miami; Timothy Coombs, University of Central Florida; and Yi-Ru Regina Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University

Corporations fail to achieve their corporate social responsibility goals when they focus on short-term profits and ignore actual consumer needs.

Making the transition from CSR practices to creating shared value (CSV) requires corporations… More

Weiting Tao, Mary Ann Ferguson, Baobao Song and Sarab Kochhar

Exploring communication strategies that empower employee engagement in CSR

July 26, 2016

By Weiting Tao, University of Miami, Mary Ann Ferguson and Baobao Song, University of Florida, and Sarab Kochhar, APCO Worldwide and Institute for Public Relations

Since 1983, Disney employees have contributed 7.7 million hours of service to local communities. Starbucks employees have participated in thousands of volunteer projects each April for the company’s “Global Month of Service” to… More

Hyejoon Rim

Study to reveal how CSR is viewed around the world

April 25, 2016

By Hyejoon Rim, University of Minnesota

Over the years, researchers have observed many companies engaging in corporate social responsibility. CSR is the business practice of creating initiatives that benefit society and the community in an altruistic and strategic way. This can include giving money to non-profit organizations or introducing environmentally-friendly technology to the workplace, along with other socially… More


Controversy level a significant factor in corporate social advocacy messaging

January 11, 2016

Companies share their advocacy activities in many ways. Two common methods are through strategic public relations (editorials) and paid advertising (magazine ads). In a world where the public is inundated with messages from all over, two researchers aimed to find which method was more effective in sharing a company’s advocacy efforts.

What they found was that message success… More

Gregoria A. Yudarwati and Marianne D. Sison

Integrating global and local values in CSR: A multinational company’s challenge

December 9, 2015

By Gregoria A. Yudarwati, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
and Marianne D. Sison, RMIT University, Australia

Over the last couple decades, the number of multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in developing countries has dramatically increased. In spite of this, MNCs, have been criticised for pursuing profit in developing countries at the expense of susceptible workforces and the environment.… More

