Media Effects Research Lab Research Archive All Research Categories Communication Technology Privacy Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Information Seeking Personalization and Customization Interactivity and Persuasion Web Advertising Social Media Uses and gratifications Psychophysiology Source Credibility Internet Use Gaming Immersion Emotion and Video Games Race, Gender, and Stereotypes Computer-Mediated Communication Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Avatars and Online Agents Entertainment Persuasion Social Influence Student Publication Category: Communication Technology Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Real or enhanced? A closer look into the effects of photo manipulation Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Construction of beauty as a measure of self-worth among college females: Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Relationships among sexually suggestive advertising, advertising evaluations, body attitudes, and self-esteem in female college students Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Social cognition and anti-drug psa effects on adolescent attitudes Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Advertising effects on alcohol consumption among college students Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Effects of magazine advertisements on college females' drive for thinness, self-esteem, and body satisfaction Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Monkey see, monkey do: Do college students model Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction What’s green is good: The effect of green advertising on perception of product quality, corporate social responsibility and purchase intent Communication Technology Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Gaming Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Everything you wanted to know about tdp media but were too afraid to ask A study about tdp media and its effects on the public Communication Technology Source Credibility Modalities in health communications: A study evaluating the effectiveness of breast self-examination Communication Technology Source Credibility The effects of source cues in online news on credibility perception Communication Technology Source Credibility Examining psychological effects of heuristic cues on users’ attitudes on a product review website Communication Technology Source Credibility Media modality effects on perceptions of china: A study of text and video frames Communication Technology Source Credibility Exploring the relationship between media source and current events knowledge Communication Technology Source Credibility The mediating role of message engagement on h1n1 pandemic behaviors in the extended parallel process model Communication Technology Source Credibility Are graphics helpful in comprehension of online news? Communication Technology Source Credibility Perceptual effects of modality in on-line news Communication Technology Source Credibility Source effects in users' perception of online news Communication Technology Source Credibility If internet credibility is so iffy, then why the heavy use? The relationship between medium use and credibility. Communication Technology Source Credibility Which source matters for news on the web? An investigation of the relationship between source attribution and the perception of news credibility. Communication Technology Source Credibility Effects of specialization of media technology at multiple source layers upon online trust: The role of information processing in determining e-commerce attitudes Communication Technology Source Credibility Doctors vs. laypersons on blogs vs. bulletin boards vs. websites vs. homepages: The effects of online health sources on credibility and behavioral intentions Communication Technology Source Credibility Perceptions of online source characteristics Communication Technology Source Credibility The role of modality in instructional technology Communication Technology Source Credibility Does content matter? The effects of type and number of user-generated comments on news stories Communication Technology The impact of flipping modality on civic engagement Communication Technology Source Credibility Looking at the web 2.0 world: How modality and bandwagon cues impact internet user attitudes Communication Technology Social Media Effects of facebok use on cyberactivism Communication Technology Social Media Effects of online buddies and bandwagon cues on user participation in an online health community Communication Technology Social Media Engagement with news content in online social networks Older ResearchNewer Research