Media Effects Research Lab Research Archive All Research Categories Communication Technology Privacy Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Information Seeking Personalization and Customization Interactivity and Persuasion Web Advertising Social Media Uses and gratifications Psychophysiology Source Credibility Internet Use Gaming Immersion Emotion and Video Games Race, Gender, and Stereotypes Computer-Mediated Communication Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction Avatars and Online Agents Entertainment Persuasion Social Influence Student Publication Category: Web Advertising Communication Technology Web Advertising Social Media Internet Use Entertainment Persuasion To Face or Not to Face? Response Strategies to Cope with Face Threat on Instagram Communication Technology Web Advertising The relationship between brand awareness, trust and willingness to reveal private information in eco Communication Technology Web Advertising Psychological effects of frequency and clutter in web advertising Communication Technology Web Advertising Memory for web advertisements: exploring effects of animation, position, and product involvement Communication Technology Web Advertising Wait! why is it not moving? Attractive and distractive ocular responses to web ads Communication Technology Web Advertising Visual orientation and memory for web advertising: A study of animation and position effects Communication Technology Web Advertising Animation and priming effects in online advertising Communication Technology Web Advertising Information quality of specialist versus generalist tourism websites Communication Technology Web Advertising Student Publication Does web advertising work? Memory for print vs. online media Communication Technology Web Advertising Interstitials and their relevance to website content: influence on website credibility Communication Technology Web Advertising Psychological effects of pop-up windows and animation in web advertising Communication Technology Web Advertising Arousal, memory, and impression-formation effects of animation speed in web advertising